Sunday 3 May 2009

Burton Joyce Parish Council - Annual Meeting

BURTON JOYCE PARISH COUNCIL - ANNUAL MEETINGTuesday May 19th - 7.30pm - Carnarvon Rooms

This is the opportunity for all in the B J community to witness and participate in Local Democracy/Government at workEVERYONE of us should make a special effort to attend this significant meeting.. .. and we mean EVERYONEFOR ATTENDING IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS VOTING !!

Teenagers, Singles - Married - Parents ( single and partners) - Matures,Seniors - Shop Owners - Business Owners - Tradesmen etc, etc.Minority Groups - Stroke Club - BJ Runners - Calligraphy Group,Sugar Craft Guild - 1 to One - Senior Citizens Club - BJU3A,St Helens Baby & Toddler Group - BJ Duplicate Bridge GroupTrent Valley Art Group - BJ Players - Scouts - Guides -Teachers,Bowles Club - Cricket Teams - Football Team - BJ Archers,The W I - Mothers Union - BJ Preservation Society - etc etc .

Villagers who do attend ( and please, please let there be a good number )do not have to speak or express their own opinion, although theremay be many who want to ask significant questions .So come on down and engage with our Parish Council

You should also visit our Mother site at